Франсуа клуэ картины

Франсуа клуэ картины

Искусство Возрождения в Нидерландах, Франции, Германии. Отсюда присутствие гербария на картине. Влияние живописи Клуэ во Франции и за границей было огромным, особенно в области портрета и жанровых сцен.

The art of Clouet were sung by poets, in particular, Rosatom, who described the lost piece with a naked lover of the artist; thanks to this, mention can be attributed to Clouet oil paintings in NAT. Francois Clouet is often confused with his father, Jean Clouet, aided by the nickname of "Jean" which they both had. We know of only two signature paintings by Clouet: portrait of his friend and neighbor pharmacist Pierre K. They close and some of the paintings portrait of Henry II in growth, Florence, Uffizi and a shiny replica, performed by his assistants.

Contemporaries believed Francois Clouet and a great master of portrait miniatures, he is credited with "Equestrian portrait of Francis 1" Paris, Louvre and "Equestrian portrait of Henri II" Florence, Uffizi ; however, often these portraits connected with the name of Jean Clouet.

As is well documented, and the painting "Bathing woman", Francois Clouet, unlike his father, was not only a portraitist. Clouet, has also created several genre scenes - "a scene from the Comedy" "the Imaginary invalid" and "Children, complaining to Cupid" engraved under the name Jean and published by Leblon. To this group belongs the song "Beauty", is known for the numerous repetitions France, private collection; Lugano, collection Thyssen-Bornemisza.

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Pupil of his father, Francois Clouet, of course, worked with him early in his career. Soon, the young artist created an art more subtle and more complex than the painting of his father; it is the art of combining different influences - Italian, Dutch and German.

Франсуа Клуэ (1515 - 1572)

The influence of paintings by Clouet in France and abroad was huge, especially in the field of portrait and genre scenes. He led a workshop in which the artists worked, now almost unknown Jacques licence, the son of John Patten, officer Jean Clouet and Simon Roy.

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Картина Елизавета Австрийская, королева Франции., КЛУЭ ФРАНСУА

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Жан Фуке, Жан Бурдишон, Жан и Франсуа Клуэ: рисунки в в Эрмитаже. XV-XVI вв, Франция

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Франсуа Клуэ (1515-1572)